Personal Injury Lawyer for
Port Washington North, New York

Personal Injury in Port Washington North, New York

A peaceful ambiance, a friendly neighborhood, excellent schools, and easy access to relaxing waterfront activities – these are just a few of the wonderful treats offered by Port Washington North in Nassau County. The village is one of the wealthiest suburbs of New York, and is surrounded by Sands Point to the north and east, and Manorhaven to the west., the Village is home to approximately 3,100 residents.

Despite the idyllic vista and low crime rate, residents of Port Washington North are not entirely safe from injuries, and do face occassional accidents. Very recently in November 2023, a car crashed into a Soundview Marketplace store, causing plenty of damage and personal injuries.

Nobody expects these accidents and certainly, no one wants them to happen, but if you do get injured in Port Washington North, you can take consolation in the fact that you have rights as a victim. With the help of a personal injury lawyer, you can file for damages and be compensated by the liable party.

Why you should hire a personal injury lawyer in Port Washington North

With a lawyer by your side, you won’t have to feel overwhelmed by the claiming process. Your personal injury attorney will take care of the legal matters and stand as your representative in court. The Lawyer will also handle negotiations for compensation, making sure that you get the highest amount for your ordeal.

Common Accidents in Port Washington North

Past records indicate that vehicular accidents are among the most common causes of injuries in Port Washington North. Other accidents that might occur are:

  • Pedestrian accidents
  • Boating accidents
  • Animal bites
  • Sports-related accidents
  • Slips and falls

How Sternberg Injury Law Firm Can help

Regardless of what kind of accident has caused personal injury to you or your loved one, Sternberg Injury Law Firm will fight for your rights as a victim and make sure you get the justice you deserve. We have seen how difficult it can be to recover from an injury, and we will not settle for a penny less than what you truly deserve.

As for fees, you don't need to worry. We will put our experience and expertise into action, and will only charge you if we win. In the meantime, we will make sure to give you the best legal representation you can possibly ask for. Call today for a free consultation.